Rah Rah Theatre Company was set up by Jude Spooner and Gemma Beagley in 2001. Our aim is to take theatre into the community that makes an impact, having a particular focus on using theatre for social change so as to raise awareness and using theatre as a form of therapy. We specialise in physical theatre, audience interaction and using drama therapy techniques.
So far the company has produced and toured 60 highly successful shows to over 1000 different venues. On average, Rah Rah performs over 500 shows a year. We pride ourselves in writing and producing our own original material. All our productions are interactive and aim to encourage audiences to join in as much as possible so as to create a memorable experience. We believe this to be why venues invite us back time and time again. As well as writing our own material we are regularly commissioned to write and produce shows and workshops for others. Our productions are brought directly into Theatres, Schools, Care Centres, Community Spaces, and Outdoor Events and can be adapted to be performed in any size area for any size of audience. We also provide a number of different drama based workshops for both young and old.
Rah Rah works with a number of different companies and charities, including: Scottish Parliament, The Imperial War Museum, The National Trust, The Rose Theatre, Trinity Theatre, Dundee Rep, Aberdeen Arts Centre, Halifax Playhouse, CAST Doncaster, Colour House Children’s Theatre, Hope for Justice, Salvation Army, Migrant Help, Age UK, Age Concern, BUPA and Sunrise and Senior Living. In 2017 Rah Rah gained charity status.
anti- trafficking
Aimed at secondary schools and sixth form.

“My Dad due to his dementia has barely said a word since lockdown started. Yesterday I watched with tears in my eyes as he sang along to all the songs the fabulous group were singing. I will never forget this very special moment!”
“The students had so much fun watching your show online today. The energy of the actors and the live interaction that was incorporated was superb! The online version of the WEX-Factor show is just as good as the stage version!”
“I defy anyone not to be moved” – Anti-Slavery International
“Yesterday was a triumph! For many, many residents of H& F, the Rah Rah Sunshine Call visits were the first time in 3 months that these elders had a face to face conversation outside their families.”